#Amwriting Birthday #Blogparty Wrap-Up

Wow!  That was some #amwriting birthday #blogparty!  It was the busiest day ever---for both the hashtag and the #amwriting website.  So. Much. Fun.

I spent all day reading and playing and only a couple hours writing. For those of you who didn't take the day off to celebrate, I give you the #blogparty re-cap, complete with an annotated list of stops:

  1. The Amwriting BlogThe beginning point for the blog party.  I talk about the hashtag and how it started.  I provide links.

  2. Robert McKay's Chronicles of a Wandering Writer: Robert describes #amwriting as, "a continuously running Twitter chat that is an endless font of inspiration for writers."

  3. L.S. Taylor's What I Learned Today: L.S. offers a not-to-be-missed filked song, featuring #amwriting, "To the tune of: "Truck Stop In LaGrange"

  4. Marian Allen's Fantasies, Mysteries, Comedies, Recipes: Marian offers us a limerick with this memorable last line: “I #am, you #am, we all #amwriting!”

  5. JC Rosen's Girl Meets Word: JC remembers early days of #amwriting and thanks all for the continued support and writing advice.  We love you too, Jess!

  6. Gem State Writers I blog with a wonderful group of Idaho writers. Here I offer you a tour of my home state and explain one reason #amwriting is so important to me.

  7. John Ross Barnes' Love This Live, Onward Through The Fog: John has an amazing, poetic voice. Here he talks about how #amwriting gave him more confidence to accept his journey forward as a writer.

  8. Linda Poitevin's Angels Gather Here: Linda takes time out from her busy schedule to share her #amwriting space---and a great photo of her keyboard kitty.

  9. LK Gardner-Griffie's blog: LK describes how she found #amwriting through #amwritingparty---very cool.

  10. Khyiah Angel's author page: Khyiah talks about hearing voices in her head---and how only other writers understand it!

  11. Johanna Harness' Big Thoughts: I post some pictures from the last couple years---including my previous twitter pics and some photos from the 2010 PNWA conference.

  12. PJ Kaiser's Inspired by Real Life: PJ says #amwriting has "become an entire platform of not just Twitter chat, but valuable content over at the #amwriting site along with author profiles so we have an opportunity to showcase our work." She also links to a picture of her office space!

  13. Jamie Ridenhour's Blog: Jamie shares his office space.  I especially like the skull!

  14. Everett Maroon's Trans/Plant/Portation: Ev describes meeting me and @KerrySchafer at the PNWA conference last year.  He says I've "built something of a benevolent empire," and that really makes me smile.

  15. Carol Despeaux's One Wild Word: You don't want to miss the fire hydrant picture. That's all I'm saying.

  16. Julie Butcher's Fire Drill: Julie invites us into her #writerclubhouse for birthday cake.  I'm loving the clubhouse.

  17. Johanna Harness' House Lamb: I teased everyone with a partial pic of Baxter the House Lamb and now I unveil the full pic.  @KerrySchafer says he "looks like such a dork."  Yeah. Isn't it great?

  18. Lily White LeFevre's Blog: Lily shares her office space and also a haiku "to be read in the style of William Shatner."

  19. Jennifer Spiller's Blog: Jenn shares memories of writing with a five-month-old. (I remember those tweets!) She also calls #amwriting a writer's "spiritual gatorade."  Gotta love that.

  20. Another House Lamb Photo:  So Kerry would have a nice counter-balance to the dork-lamb photo, I posted another of Baxter in shades.

  21. David Ozab's Fatherhood, Etc.:  David looks back on his last year using the #amwriting hashtag.  Go, David! I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

  22. M.K. Hutchins' Books, Board Games, and Writing: I met M.K. just this week! She came to my twitter talk in Boise. I was so happy to see an entry from her here. In her post, M.K. talks about using the #amwriting hashtag without realizing it was a group---and she also discusses deadlines.

  23. Phoebe Jane's La Vita Ho Vivere: Pheobe Jane says she follows #amwriting like, "the white rabbit to a world of other writers."

  24. Johanna asks, "Can you name these twitter peeps?"  Yes, I added a party game to the day, but it's late and people aren't playing.  There's still time, you know. I don't intend to reveal the answers unless someone plays. :)

  25. Mike St's Many Stories: Mike shares his writing space.  I especially appreciate his mention of rituals.

  26. Elizabeth Saunders' Travels With Books: Elizabeth does a great job explaining why Twitter is such a great platform for writer support. I will point people to this blog post when they ask, "why twitter?"

  27. Robyn Leatherman's The One AM Pen: Robyn says she appreciates that, "information is shared about the writing world and not hoarded as private property."

  28. Nik Barnabee's Blog: Nikki ends our party with her short story, "Written in Stone."

Many thanks to all who participated, whether as bloggers or readers (or both).  It was a great day and I'm already hearing talk of next year.

Whew.  I need to get some writing done before then!  Back to work.


  1. Didn't make it through all the #amwriting #blogparty posts? Here's a list w/ annotations: http://bit.ly/nRsW0q

  2. #Amwriting Birthday #Blogparty Wrap-Up http://t.co/Cax9hS6 via @johannaharness

  3. Thanks for the party, Johanna! Thanks for everything. :)

  4. That was a Hella-Rawkin Web - Bash. Never experienced exactly that. - "Vuja - Day - That feeling that somehow, somewhere, this Same thing has never ever happened before".

    And in my head: I hear Jimi Hendrix - "Well, Are You Experienced? Have you Ever been Experienced? Well, I Have."

  5. #amwriting 2nd birthday part recap from @johannaharness http://ow.ly/5XKnA (including yours truly)


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